Welcome to my haiku/ haiga dream.

Welcome to my haiku dream..!

Second Blog

facebook: ritaodehnazareth


cloudy morning-
a kite flies higher
than its string

Rita Odeh

My Haiku/Haiga Book:

Buds of Dream
available atAMAZON.COM

My Haiga Album

Third Haiku Book

Under Fallen Leaves, The Butterfly
Rita Odeh

Saturday, May 3, 2014

April 2014 Shiki Kukai

I too, slug,
am a stranger...
slow day

Rita Odeh, April 2014 Shiki Kukai, 10th place
(1,2,2) = 9 pts

eleven stars still bowing
down to me

Rita Odeh, April 2014 Shiki Kukai
(0,1,0) = 2 pts

my haiku alludes to the biblical story of Joseph's dream


  1. Lovely Haiku...Please come back and write more.

  2. Thanks, Milanie, for your lovely feedback. I will keep posting my published haiku here. If you would like to read more of my haiku, you can get a copy of: Buds of Dream, which will be available at amazon.com soon.

  3. Moving as the snail; accepting my lethargy; this listless night's SKY

    __If my opinion counts, each thought endorses any readers' further thought. _m

  4. Your opinion, Magyar, counts to me. Thanks!
