Welcome to my haiku/ haiga dream.

Welcome to my haiku dream..!

Second Blog

facebook: ritaodehnazareth


cloudy morning-
a kite flies higher
than its string

Rita Odeh

My Haiku/Haiga Book:

Buds of Dream
available atAMAZON.COM

My Haiga Album

Third Haiku Book

Under Fallen Leaves, The Butterfly
Rita Odeh

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Haiku Prompt5

dove's cooing
a seashell is washed
in Jordan River

fresh water
flows in the abandoned well...
St. James'way

Carpe Diem Special #75, Pilgrimage to Santiago De Compostela
or The Way of St. James


  1. luv your responses; have a nice Saturday

    much love...

  2. Thanks, Gillena!
    You are such a supportive person.
    Love you .

  3. old stone walls
    circle an abandoned well
    this new forest

    __Just my humble imagination... prodded by your grand post; best wishes Rita! _m

  4. What a wonderful poems you share here. Sorry for the late rsponse. I was running through the archives of Carpe Diem Haiku Kai and ran into several posts I didn't wrote a comment on.
