Welcome to my haiku/ haiga dream.

Welcome to my haiku dream..!

Second Blog

facebook: ritaodehnazareth


cloudy morning-
a kite flies higher
than its string

Rita Odeh

My Haiku/Haiga Book:

Buds of Dream
available atAMAZON.COM

My Haiga Album

Third Haiku Book

Under Fallen Leaves, The Butterfly
Rita Odeh

Monday, April 29, 2013

Short Poem: I am a Different Woman

Monday, April 29, 2013
Open Link Monday

I am a Different Woman

To the poet Nizar Qabbani, In response to his poem:
To a Woman who Neither Reads nor Writes

I am a woman
who reads and writes
and tastes the flight of the word
over the revolutionary horizons
of the language


I am a different woman:
one who is created from
the soil of earth,
born from the volcanoes
of fatigue,
and the pain of
lost dreams.


My heart becomes a boat
when the storm rages,
My heart is a continuous call
for the confused hearts.


Oh poet,
who writes for women
in an era of darkness,
haven't you known
I am
exception !

Rita Odeh


أنا امرأةٌ أخرى

- الى الشاعر نزار قباني
ردّا على قصيدة الى امرأة لا تقرأ ولا تكتب-


أنا امرأة تقرأ وتكتب
وتتذوّق سفرَ الكلمة
فوق آفاق اللغة الثائرة


أنا امرأةٌ أخرى
من طين الأرض
من براكين التعب
ووجع الأحلام


قلبي أنا
زورقُ كبرياء
حينَ تشتدّ العاصفة
قلبي أنا
نداءٌ متواصل
للقلوب الحائرة


أيّا شاعر النساء
في عصر الظلمة
ألم تعلم بعد
أنّي أنا
استثناء القاعدة

ريتا عودة

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Imaginary Garden with Real Toads


  1. Quite stirring, and I love "revolutionary horizons of the language."

  2. Love the strength, the message, the emotion in your poem!!!

  3. This is beautiful. The form suits the conviction of the message.
    I loved seeing those dainty symbols that I don't understand at all, but liked on your black page.

  4. My heart becomes a boat.

    ...such woman are true heros.

  5. ANd more women are the exceptions than expected, which means this gives women a voice! Bravo!

  6. "A boat when t he storm rages," "a continuous call..." What a tremendous heart your have, and what a way to express your nature.

    I believe the language is Arabic, is it not? GREAT WRITE. Amy
