Welcome to my haiku/ haiga dream.

Welcome to my haiku dream..!

Second Blog

facebook: ritaodehnazareth


cloudy morning-
a kite flies higher
than its string

Rita Odeh

My Haiku/Haiga Book:

Buds of Dream
available atAMAZON.COM

My Haiga Album

Third Haiku Book

Under Fallen Leaves, The Butterfly
Rita Odeh

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Third Haiku Book

Under Fallen Leaves,
The butterfly

Rita Odeh

(I appreciate it if you tell me which poem is your favourite.
I will be adding all this year's haiku harvest to this corner.)








first sunrise-
a spider, too
reading the silence

First place, January2016, Shiki Kigo Kukai


on his own shadow...
the mountain

Mainichi Japan,11 September 2014


unfolding bud-
i and you entwined
in a whisper

sieze the poem, FB closed group,10 .12.15


setting sun-
the field silenced
crow by crow

Honorable Mention in the first annual Haiku Contest of the Embassy of Japan in the US, Dec.2015


first thunder-
a leaf falls on another
leaf`s shadow
Second Place, Mongolian Haiku Khaki, Dec. 2015


lake lily-
landing on its shadow,
a honeybee

Honorable Mention, the 4th Japan-Russia Haiku Contest, 2015


Jerusalem breeze-
a sparrow passing through
the checkpoints

Distinguished Work, 7th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum Haiku Contest, July 2015


a feather
in an empty cage...
the Promised Land

A Hundred Gourds, September 2014


summer clouds-
a fisher man casts his line
into memories

4th place, Indian Kukai #6, July 2014


how many times
flew on your wings, eagle...
oh, this emptiness!
The 122th. WHA Haiga Contest (07/2014)


on his own shadow...
the mountain

Mainichi Japan, September 20 2014


the mountain’s silence…
a lone tree

The Bamboo Hut, May 2014


empty hut-
in and out of the shadows
this black bird

1st place, Shiki Kukai, June 2014


silence into a dream…
the full moon

HSA Anthology, 2014


crickets' cries
piercing this darkness...
demolished houses

Shiki Monthly Kukai, September 2014


barren branches-
in a scarecrow's shadow,
a crow
sieze the poem, FB closed group, 25.12.15


autumn wind-
a leaf curls around
its shadow

Frogpond 37:3, the autumn issue, 2014


moonless night-
the fisherman's net
catches the wind

3rd place, Shiki Kukai, October 2014


cancer survivor-
the path ahead taken by
a bird's song

seize the poem,fb,16 December 2014


moonlit river-
a giraffe sipping
the stars

1st place, European Quarterly Kukai #7, Autumn 2014 Edition


Jerusalem clouds-
the flags sold by children
sink in darkness

Second prize, The 18th Mainichi Haiku Contest, 2014


only the
kite's string remains...
autumn breeze

First Prize, The International Matsue Basho Award, 2nd Edition, 2014


under fallen leaves,
the butterfly

Third Place, The 12th Annual UKIA Haiku Festival, April 2015
(Jane Reichhold's International Prize)


in my shadow-
an ant dragging
another ant

Indian Kukai #10, 2015


on a rock
two almond petals...

European Kukai #9, Spring 2015 Edition


a bald eagle
spreads his wings over her...
setting sun

Sharpening the Green Pencil, March 2015


winday day-
the dance of a bee
deep in a bud

First Prize, Caribbean Kigo Kukai,April 2015
WHA March Haiga Contest



  1. Muy buenos, pequeños pero intensos.

  2. Actually I like the ant dressing another ant... all four good.
    __Hope all is well! _m

  3. I invite all my haiku friends to read my Haiku Collection:"Buds of Haiku" on YouTube:


    I wait for your comments.

    All the best,

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