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facebook: ritaodehnazareth


cloudy morning-
a kite flies higher
than its string

Rita Odeh

My Haiku/Haiga Book:

Buds of Dream
available atAMAZON.COM

My Haiga Album

Third Haiku Book

Under Fallen Leaves, The Butterfly
Rita Odeh

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Results: forget-me-nots, Kukai 4 July 2012

4th International Kukai--"forget-me-not" July 2012":
124 Haiku
54 Haijin
21 Countries

The votes appear as per the following sample:
0, 2 ,7 =11
Which means:

No voter gave 3 points,
2 voters gave 2 points,
7 voters gave 1 point
= for a total of 11 points

Final Results forget-me-nots Kukai 4 July 2012
both sides
of the old stone wall

# 40. Tom Painting, Atlanta, GA USA
2, 4, 5= 19/ 1St. Place
sticky notes
on the fridge door

# 39. Stella Pierides, DE/UK
2, 0, 7= 13/ 2nd. Place
on the mantelpiece...
unopened telegram

# 13. Tracy Davidson, UK
0, 4, 2= 10/ 3rd. Place Tie
school exchange...
what's Vergissmeinnicht
in English?

# 29. Ralf Bröker, Germany
0, 4, 2= 10 /3rd. Place Tie
in old diary
dry forget-me-nots…
we were seventeen

# 36. Asni Amin, Singapore (SG)
1, 2, 3= 10/ 3rd. Place Tie
my garden—
forget-me-nots forgot
to sprout this year

# 06. Djurdja Vukelic Rozic, Croatia
2, 0, 2= 8/ 4th. Place Tie
little things about you
matter to me now

# 60. Christine L. Villa, US
1, 1, 3= 8/ 4th. Place Tie
fading on her palm
his phone number

# 76. Stella Pierides, DE/UK
1, 1, 3= 8/ 4th. Place Tie
the thousands of forget-me-not
and I alone

# 114. Maria Tirenescu, Romania
1, 1, 3= 8/ 4th. Place Tie
a puddle—
forget-me-nots circle
around the sun

# 49. Djurdja Vukelic Rozic, Croatia
1, 0, 4= 7/ 5th. Place Tie
her old diary—
between two blank pages
a dry Forget-Me-Not

# 119. Cezar F. Ciobîca, Romania
1, 0, 4= 7/ 5th. Place Tie
last moments home—
the widow breaks the bowl
with forget-me-nots

# 01. Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu, Romania
0, 1, 4= 6/ 6th. Place Tie
in the garden
at the nursing home

# 17. Bill Kenney, US
0, 2, 2= 6/ 6th. Place Tie
blue mascara—
through my tears

# 46. Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu, Romania
1, 1, 1= 6/ 6th. Place Tie
on a tiny slip
the dying soldier scribbles

# 82. Sandra Martyres, IN
2, 0, 0= 6/ 6th. Place Tie
hiding in the lee—
so are the mosquitos

# 07. Marija Pogorilic, CR
1, 1, 0= 5/ 7th. Place Tie
blue pigment's
genetic code—

# 33. Robert Davey, UK
1, 1 ,0 =5 /7th. Place Tie
on a sunny day
spider's net making shade
over forget-me-not

# 50. Marija Pogorilic, CR
0 ,1 ,3 =5/ 7th. Place Tie
among the stems
her goodbye note

# 52. Ignatius Fay, CA
1 ,0, 2 =5 /7th. Place Tie
the memory of your face
lost to dementia

# 56. Tracy Davidson, UK
1, 0, 2= 5 /7th. Place Tie
the sky into your eyes
deeper and deeper

# 67. Dan Iulian, Romania
0, 1, 3 =5 /7th. Place Tie
carefully arranged
upon the patient’s table …
fresh forget-me-nots

# 94. Keith A. Simmonds, Rodez, France
0, 2, 1 =5 /7th. Place Tie
a whole blue sea—
between us

# 99. Vania Stefanova, BG
1 ,1, 0= 5 /7th. Place Tie
in her wedding bouquet
something old and blue

# 112. Yamadori Komodori, US
1 ,0, 2 =5 /7th. Place Tie
blazing sun—
in the Fig tree's shade,
Forget Me Nots

# 11. Rita Odeh, Nazareth, IL
0, 0, 4 =4 /8th. Place Tie
an unopened mail
after the storm

# 22. Alegria Imperial, CA
1, 0, 1= 4/ 8th. Place Tie
All Soul's Day—
a girl picks forget-me-nots
from forgotten grave

# 23. Robert Kania, Poland
0, 2, 0= 4/ 8th. Place Tie
summer calm
the scent in the garden's corner

# 32. Bouwe Brouwer, NL
1, 0, 1 =4/ 8th. Place Tie
forget-me-nots …
the breeze
whispering your name

# 75. Asni Amin, Singapore (SG)
0, 1, 2= 4/ 8th. Place Tie
a time
to stand and stare

# 91. Kala Ramash, Pune, IN
0, 1 ,2 =4 /8th. Place Tie
I'm dying
you stay alone my love
forget me not

# 100. Štefanija Ludvig, Croatia
1, 0 ,1 =4 /8th. Place Tie
The moment between
what you said and what I heard—

# 110. Poppy Herrin, US
0, 1 ,2 =4/ 8th. Place Tie
perfume of forget-me-nots
and a hug.

# 123. Anisoara Iordache, RO
1, 0 ,1 =4 /8th. Place Tie
gardener’s hut
in soft blue with yellow centers
forget-me-not breathes

# 05. Otsenre Ogaitnas (Ernesto P. Santiago) PH
1, 0, 0 =3 /9th. Place Tie
she leaves behind
her forget-me-not plant—
his note unread

# 10. John Daleiden, US
0 ,1, 1 =3/ 9th. Place Tie
no shorter way
to the sky—

# 42. Lech Szeglowski, Poland
0 ,1, 1 =3/ 9th. Place Tie
reflected in the lake...
memorial day

# 54. Rita Odeh, Nazareth, IL
1, 0, 0= 3 /9th. Place Tie
The cat purrs
in flower bed

# 55. Walter Mathois, Vienna, Austria
0 ,1, 1 =3 /9th. Place Tie
diving in the blue,
forget me not whispers wind
the fens traveler

# 68. Adam Chmielnicki, PL
0, 1, 1= 3/ 9th. Place Tie
a row of forget-me-nots
a row of opium poppies

# 95. Dan Iulian, Romania
0, 1 ,1= 3 /9th. Place Tie
cluttered desk—
next to her own picture

# 101. Stella Pierides, DE/UK
0, 0, 3 =3 /9th. Place Tie
too young to name
her puppy

# 115. Bill Cooper, US
0, 1, 1 =3 /9th. Place Tie
his calloused fist clenches

# 121. Poppy Herrin, US
0, 0 ,3 =3/ 9th. Place Tie
a second chance—
his pot of forget-me-nots
softens her hard heart

# 122. A. D. Jaden, US
0, 1, 1= 3 9th./ Place Tie
A fragrant wind
inviting and mourning – here
used to live people…

# 04. Smajil Durmisevic, BA
0, 1 ,0 =2 /10th. Place Tie
three little words
forget- me- not
smudged with her tears

# 08. Sandra Martyres, IN
0, 1, 0= 2/ 10th. Place Tie
I'm squashing a bouquet—
forget me not
a big lie

# 15. Vladimir Ludvig, Croatia
0,0, 2 =2 /10th. Place Tie
forget me not
in the deep black dark
still blue

# 35. Štefanija Ludvig, Croatia
0, 1, 0= 2 /10th. Place Tie
rain outside
tears at the window—

# 43. Caroline Gill, England, UK
0, 1, 0= 2 /10th. Place Tie
his last breath,
her vow of silence

# 48. Otsenre Ogaitnas (Ernesto P. Santiago) PH
0, 1, 0 =2/ 10th. Place Tie
a small bouquet
of forget- me- nots
the card is missing

# 51. Sandra Martyres, IN
0, 0, 2= 2/ 10th. Place Tie
a trail of forget-me-nots
in her laughter

# 63. Alegria Imperial, CA
0, 0, 2= 2 /10th. Place Tie
grandmother’s day
forget me nots in
the greetings gift

# 71. Ramesh Anand, India
0, 1, 0= 2/ 10th. Place Tie
short caress...
the male butterfly
on the Forget-Me-Not

# 73. Vania Stefanova, BG
0, 0, 2= 2 /10th. Place Tie
a few foot from
a forget-me-not field. . .
the road goes on

# 77. Lech Szeglowski, Poland
0, 1, 0= 2/ 10th. Place Tie
the different
angles of Forget Me Not—
soldier's letter

# 84. Rita Odeh, Nazareth, IL
0, 1 ,0= 2 /10th. Place Tie
on the grave-mound
pink forget me not stands
love deep down

# 87. Vladimir Ludvig, Croatia
0, 1, 0 =2 /10th. Place Tie
small and unpretending
more syllables

# 89. Gheorghe Postelnicu Stops, RO
0, 1, 0 =2/ 10th. Place Tie
some escape me—
a patch of forget-me-nots
in the fog

# 102. Lech Szeglowski, Poland
0, 1, 0 =2 /10th. Place Tie
near by my mother's picture

# 107. Ailoaei Cristina, Romania
0, 0 ,2 =2 /10th. Place Tie
between sky
and the Forget-Me-Not field
the ancestors dreams

# 113. Cezar F. Ciobîca, Romania
0, 1, 0 =2 /10th. Place Tie
summer morning—
forget-me-nots left behind
without a note

# 118. Yamadori Komodori, US
0, 1, 0 =2 /10th. Place Tie
a forget-me-not
pinned on my dress…
where’s my knight?

# 16. Diana Teneva, BG
0, 0, 1 =1/ 11th. Place Tie
on the Ma's grave
innovative SMS—
blossomed forget-me-nots

# 18. Gheorghe Postelnicu Stops, RO
0, 0, 1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
the sweet nothings
you whisper in my ear . . .

# 19. Christine L. Villa, US
0, 0 ,1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
adding a wing
to those flights of fancy . . .

# 21. Kala Ramash, Pune, IN
0, 0 ,1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
A kiss and a tear
somewhere, long ago

# 24. Franklin Magalhães, Brazil (BR)
0, 0, 1 =1 /11th. Place Tie
upon the tombstones
of fallen patriots
wood forget-me-nots

# 25. Keith A. Simmonds, Rodez, France
0, 0, 1 =1 /11th. Place Tie
the silver wedding—
forget–me-not flowers
on the mother's grave

# 27. Dan Iulian, Romania
0, 0, 1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
after the quarrel
splattered petals on the floor
his Forget-Me-Nots

# 30. Bernard Gieske. US
0, 0, 1= 1/ 11th. Place Tie
sharp wind—
raining down
forget me not seeds

# 31. Ramesh Anand, India
0, 0, 1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
a heart-shaped box...
nothing but
one dried Forget-Me-Not

# 34. Vania Stefanova, BG
0, 0, 1= 1/ 11th. Place Tie
her daughter
she asks if I know
forget-me-nots bloom

# 41. Angie Werren, US
0, 0, 1= 1/ 11th. Place Tie
masonic lodge
in hanging baskets by the door

# 45. André Surridge, New Zealand
0, 0, 1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
she cries in her room
beside his forget-me-nots—
the phone rings and rings...

# 53. John Daleiden, US
0, 0, 1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
spring nightfall…
left on the bench

# 58. Diana Teneva, BG
0, 0, 1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
waning moon watches
forget me not wilting
night after night .....

# 61. Vishnu P. Kapoor, Chennai, India
0, 0, 1 =1 /11th. Place Tie
a street musician
swaying to his song
the forget-me-nots

# 62. Kala Ramash, Pune, IN
0, 0 ,1 =1/ 11th. Place Tie
Dry forget-me-not
one more tear
to water it

# 64. Franklin Magalhães, Brazil (BR)
0, 0, 1= 1/ 11th. Place Tie
your smile—
seeing a butterfly on
the forget me not

# 74. Štefanija Ludvig, Croatia
0, 0, 1 =1/ 11th. Place Tie
mum’s birthday…
on her grave

# 88. Diana Teneva, BG
0, 0, 1= 1/ 11th. Place Tie
Vacanti mouse
a bobbysoxer checks up

# 96. Ralf Bröker, Germany
0, 0, 1 =1/ 11th. Place Tie
land, the wild growth of
forget me nots

# 98. Ramesh Anand, India
0, 0, 1 =1/ 11th. Place Tie
Forget-me-nots at the hat?
through the steam of tea
a sun of July ...

# 111. Anisoara Iordache, RO
0, 0 ,1 =1/ 11th. Place Tie
swaying with the wind
our last dance

# 116. Poppy Herrin, US
0, 0, 1= 1 /11th. Place Tie
a wish
for the future...

# 02. Pat Geyer, US
0, 0, 0 =0/ 12th. Place Tie
and forget-me-not rhymes

# 09. Ignatius Fay, CA
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
Grandma's birthday—
a toothless smile and

# 12. Walter Mathois, Vienna, Austria (AT)
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
sun spiked woodlands—
the forget - me - nots picked
by a lover's hand

# 14. Gillena Cox, TT
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
pink forget me not
for old man's amnesia
only a pink

# 20. Vishnu P. Kapoor, Chennai, India
0, 0, 0 =0/ 12th. Place Tie
blue sky and blue ground
blue meadows while you depart,
forget me not please

# 28. Adam Chmielnicki, PL
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
dunked forget-me-nots
brave little blooms soar with
cupid’s spring wings

# 37. Karin Anderson, Australia
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
in the garden
of old age
forget-me-nots and sage

# 38. Valli Poole, Australia
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
so memorable
I send you forget-me-nots—
summer moon

# 44. A. D. Jaden, US
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
together they walk
in the memory of love...
blue Forget-Me-Not

# 47. Pat Geyer, US
0, 0 ,0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
death of love—
not, only the negation
she forgets him

# 57. Vladimir Ludvig, Croatia
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
blue forget-me-nots
on the E-visiting card
of my girlfriend

# 59. Gheorghe Postelnicu Stops, RO
0 ,0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
under a blue sky
quivering forget-me-nots …
a glistening pond

# 65. Keith A. Simmonds, Rodez, France
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
weeding yet again
the forget-me-not
has vanished

# 69. Ralf Bröker, Germany
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
freshly mown field
along the fence row

# 70. Bernard Gieske, US
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
the forget-me-nots
the children picked
left on the field

# 72. Bouwe Brouwer, NL
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
running child
drops a blue stem—

# 78. Caroline Gill, England, UK
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
fading too quickly—
dance until dawn

# 79. Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu, Romania
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
in May I remember
his birthday gift to me...

# 80. Pat Geyer, US
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
garden value with
lizard's path

# 81. Marija Pogorilic, CR
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
I miss you so…
arranging foget-me-nots
he kneels at her grave

# 83. John Daleiden, US
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
in the trash: his suicide note...

# 85. Walter Mathois, Vienna, Austria
0, 0 ,0 =0/ 12th. Place Tie
inscribed on her diamond ring
another's name

# 86. Tracy Davidson, UK
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
fading sun
outside the ICU window
waves a forget me not

# 90. Vishnu P. Kapoor, Chennai, India
0, 0, 0 =0/ 12th. Place Tie
the last forget-me-not
on her step

# 92. Alegria Imperial, CA
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
in the antique diary
lost petals

# 93. Franklin Magalhães, Brazil (BR)
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
down memory lane
her favorites

# 97. Bernard Gieske. US
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
wayside flower
two figures part—

# 103. Caroline Gill, England, UK
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
grandmother's diary…
a dried forget me not
between leaves

# 104. Magdalena Dale, RO
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
Forget-Me-Not field—
reminding me again of
my first love's eyes

# 105. Cezar F. Ciobîca, Romania
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
A haiku and
a thread of forget-me-not—
the gift for you

# 106. Maria Tirenescu, Romania
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
a drop of yolk
in her homemade cookie

# 108. Bill Cooper, US
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
in the fold
of her ex's letter

# 109. Ellen Compton, US
0, 0, 0= 0/ 12th. Place Tie
echo: forget-me-nots...-
hot afternoon
single at the gate.

# 117. Anisoara Iordache, RO
0, 0, 0 =0 /12th. Place Tie
no need for names
the bee probing

# 120. Bill Cooper, US
0, 0, 0= 0 /12th. Place Tie
don't knock on my door...
your forget-me-nots returned
—address unknown

# 124. Yamadori Komodori, US
0, 0 ,0 =0/ 12th. Place Tie
Haijin who failed to vote have their haiku posted with NO RESULTS.

at her doorstep
after the divorce

# 03. Bernhard Kopf, Austria, (AT)
playful shadows
white forget-me-nots
and the clouds

# 66. Malvina Mileta, Istria, Croatia
spilled are colors
of forget-me-nots
—a rolling butterfly

# 26. Malvina Mileta, Istria, Croatia
End of Kukai


Thank you for taking part in the 4th International Kukai.
We look forward to your participation in the next IKK on the first of August, 2012.


Rita Odeh, Nazareth,IL
John Daleiden, US


  1. Thank you, Rita for this kukai. I enjoyed it. Congratulations to the top winner and to all the rest of the participants. I look forward to joining you again for the next kukai.


  2. I and John thank you for taking part in the IKK.
    We look forward to your next submissions.

  3. I look forward to joining in, in August... congratulations to all the July entrants and their efforts :)

    1. Hi Leo. We are so glad that you decided to join the International Kukai. Please, send your email address to:


      and you will get the announcement for August. You can follow the announcements on this blog, too.

  4. Very nice blog thanks for sharing it !

