Welcome to my haiku/ haiga dream.

Welcome to my haiku dream..!

Second Blog

facebook: ritaodehnazareth


cloudy morning-
a kite flies higher
than its string

Rita Odeh

My Haiku/Haiga Book:

Buds of Dream
available atAMAZON.COM

My Haiga Album

Third Haiku Book

Under Fallen Leaves, The Butterfly
Rita Odeh

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Haiga: "Locked Antlers"

locked antlers-
the bloody fight
for land

March17, 2012


  1. (i don't think i ever "got(ten)" haiku before. i think you just made a light pop up over my head.:p )

    you write n picture the big things that has to be said in so little words, so simple imgs. really beautiful work. <3

  2. This is exactly the aim of this blog( To introduce haiku and haiga to every possible blogger).Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.
